Centering Prayer for Letting Go into Divine Presence

This Centering Prayer meditation will provide you with a way to move beneath and beyond the worries and anxiety that you often face in your daily life.  It will help you to discover the stillness and peace that is always present at your innermost core, where you are forever one with God. This is the process of letting go into the vast, underlying Reality of Divine Presence.

It’s often hard to connect with our inner peace, because our minds tend to spin out anxious thoughts nonstop. These worrisome thoughts circle around and around, and we can often feel trapped in the anxiety they create. Sometimes we’re ruminating about an unpleasant memory, sometimes it’s fears about the future, sometimes we’re stressed out about what we’re dealing with in the present. Whatever it is, when your mind is on overdrive, it can take over your entire outlook, leaving you trapped in – and even overwhelmed by – tension and anxiety. 

And so this guided centering prayer meditation will provide you with a way to free yourself from incessant, over-active thoughts – to pause from the busy-ness of your daily life and to find your innermost stillness and peace. It will teach you how to access your inner calm, even in the midst of chaos. Living your life from this place of love, peace and stillness transforms both yourself and the world.

Length: 18 Minutes
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Categories: Christian, Relaxation and Stress Reduction

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