Preparing for Centering Prayer by Clearing the Egoic Field

As a preparation for centering prayer, this guided meditation on “Clearing the Egoic Field" will help you to break through the foggy field of the ego into the Clear Light of your innermost spiritual Sun. It will take you to the deepest, truest ground of your being, where you may tap into your boundless Source of unconditional Divine Love, Wisdom and Compassion. This is where we begin to “slip the surly bonds” of our egoic field and establish our new home within the Presence of the Divine.  No longer believing ourselves to be separate, we now live in the Oneness of God.  We are transformed.  The egoic field has been dissipated. God is now our center of focus, not the ego. We have gained the mind of wisdom, the heart of compassion, and actions that are skillful, enabling us to respond spontaneously and skillfully to life – to people, situations, circumstances – from a place that is in perfect alignment with the Divine.  

We often feel stuck – trapped by the limitations of our ego. We get stuck in its ruminating thoughts, stuck in its anger and frustration and fear, stuck in its beliefs like not being good enough, stuck in its desires for more or for circumstances to be different. We consider this imprisoned consciousness of our ego to be the totality of who we are.  All our perceptions, opinions, ideas, beliefs, values, feeling states, worries, projects, relationship issues, judgments, reactions, etc. – all this content can be thought of as existing within a thick field that surrounds the ego.  This egoic field obstructs our true Self – our Essential Self, our innermost radiant spiritual Sun. It eclipses our deeper knowing and clear perception. When we are trapped in this egoic field, we are unable to access the wisdom and compassion at the depths of our being, and so we respond unskillfully to others from a very limited and constricted position of division.

Length: 24 Minutes
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Categories: Christian, Relaxation and Stress Reduction

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