For your convenience we have both a video and audio version of this meditation.

Cleaning Memories and Emotions Stored within the Body through Ho’oponopono Meditation

A gentle yet powerful guided meditation utilising the Ho’oponopono technique to unlock and clean the emotions and memories that are stored within the cells of our body and are often the cause of pain, stress, illness, dis-ease and even trauma in our day-to-day life.

Many of us get emotional around certain situations, times of the year and circumstances. Often these seemingly unbidden emotional and stress inducing experiences are the result of buried and supressed emotions that are locked within us. Throughout our lives we have experienced many traumas. Over all the years of our life we have inhibited the full expression of our emotions, these suppressed emotions have become locked somewhere in our body as a memory.

Through the application of forgiveness, love and gratitude we are able to free ourselves from memories that have been created from past experiences. We can clear the blockages that inhibit our ability to respond to life’s situations and circumstances. Gradually we become the radiant expression of the true nature of our being.

Click here listen to a talk in relation to this topic

Length: 19 Minutes
Facilitator: Theresa Tzinberg
Categories: Forgiveness, Healing, Ho’oponopono, Relaxation & Stress Reduction, Self Care

Like this meditation? Attend a live meditation class or listen to another guided meditation by Theresa Tzinberg.

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