Crystal Cave Healing Meditation

In this guided healing meditation we are on a journey into the beautiful and mysterious Crystal Cave and going into its various rooms to experience its healing energy.

Here is a brief history:

The special qualities of various crystals and gemstones have been recognized as having unique energies that have been used as medicine for mental and physical healing since ancient times. Although evidence for their efficacy is scanty, the healing properties of stones have more to do with the intuition and an inner feeling of attraction to the colours and shapes of the stones.  They are after all, universally recognized for their beauty and as being precious gifts from the earth itself. 

Crystals and gemstones are minerals, so they help us connect to the earth. Interestingly, the body doesn’t manufacture minerals so we can only get minerals into our body when we take them in from food, absorbed into the skin or being around them.  By placing certain stones on or around the body, we can utilize them as “healing prescriptions”. 

Other fascinating uses for crystals include stories about how warriors in ancient times used crystals to magnify sound waves to transmit messages from one tribe to another at great distances. Also, in Roman times, gemstones were ground into a powder and mixed with honey or oil to apply to the skin and given as elixirs to heal any ailment of the body. 

South American healers used jade which was thought to be very healing for kidney problems which was also mentioned in an ancient Chinese scroll that also recorded uses of jade for the kidneys. Green Jasper was used in ancient Egypt for digestive issues. Yellow stones were used for liver problems, stones with red in them were used for blood and inflammatory diseases, while purple gems like amethyst were used to counteract intoxication and addictions, and blue stones were used to balance the mind.  

Roman physicians used peridot to aid the healing of palsy and paralysis. We now know that it contains high concentrations of magnesium which aids the nerve fibres. In yet another example, bloodstone and green jasper that were used for blood and circulation problems, contain iron.  Amazonite used by Tibetan Llamas to strengthen physical stamina contains potassium. Although stones are not cure-alls, by wearing gemstone jewelry or just having stones around you, minute amounts of mineral energy can be very therapeutic, working in a way similar to homeopathy. 

In modern times we are well acquainted with the special properties of quartz which is known as one of the greatest energy conductors and used for optical or piezoelectrical purposes in industry, meaning that they vibrate in response to electric currents.  Quartz is used in watches, radios, computers and other devices to keep time.  Quartz crystal vibrates or ticks an exact 60 seconds per minute when electricity is applied to it.   

During this Crystal Cave meditation there will be several silent pauses.  

Gem Pharmacy: Nature’s Mineral Supports by Dorthee L Mella and Reverend Michelle Lusson (1992) Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to Crystals and Color Healing by Jennie Harding (2007)

Length: 23 Minutes
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Healing

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