Inner Peace Meditation

Our inner Peace meditation will help you learn how to access the peace that abides at your innermost core that is always there for you, regardless of what’s going on in your outer life.  And so even when you’re experiencing difficulties, this meditation will teach you how to dip into and be restored by this innermost peace.

This is abiding peace; it is not something that comes and goes depending on your circumstances. It’s not something that happens only when your outer circumstances are just right. In fact, you can experience this deep, abiding peace even when you’re engulfed in trying and troubling times. This Divine source of peace is always with you in your innermost heart of hearts.

“The peace of God is with them
whose mind and soul are in harmony,
who are free from desire and wrath,
who know their own soul.”
- Bhagavada Gita

The Divine is everywhere, equally present in all things. We only need to take a deep breath, reflect on this fact and breath out to bring a fresh perspective to whatever our current circumstances and challenges may be. Patience, generosity, wisdom and joy are all attributes of our higher nature. Once we align with our true self, we can access these qualities and more consistently stand steady in the light of our higher Self. Utilizing this inner peace meditation is an excellent way to begin this worthwhile journey.

Length: 25 Minutes
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Categories: Christian, Peace

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