Love is the Absence of Judgement Ho’oponopono Meditation

Self-judgement and self-condemnation are the greatest obstacles to us truly experiencing love, love of ourselves and love from another. As the Dalai Lama once said: “Love is the absence of judgement.” In this meditation we focus upon cleaning away the toxic energies of judgement and criticism that are borne out of painful memories of the past, to set ourselves free to live a life filled with an abundance of love and joy.

The Ho’oponopono Meditation Mantra
“I’m Sorry - Please Forgive Me - I Love You - Thank you.”

Try this powerful Ho’oponopono meditation today.

Length: 27 Minutes
Facilitator: Theresa Tzinberg
Categories: Forgiveness, Happiness & Joy, Healing, Ho’oponopono, Love & Loving-Kindness, Self Love

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