Ho’oponopono Mantra – Awakening the Heart Essence

This Ho’oponopono Mantra meditation moves you into an at-one-ment with the Light of your own Divinity, your Higher Self, that source of Unconditional Love that is focused deep within the heart of your being. We utilise the Ho’oponopono mantra in order to transform all of that which keeps us separate from being the full expression of our divinity in this life.

We begin the meditation by moving into a state of complete relaxation, deep into the spaciousness of our heart centre, into the radiant Light of our own Divinity, our Higher Self, our Soul. We take the time to allow to rise up those beliefs about ourselves, a thought or a feeling or a memory of the past that holds us back, that prevents us from making our at-one-ment with this Divine part of our being. And then we clean these resistances and blockages, these thoughts and beliefs through the Ho’oponopono mantra:

Ho’oponopono Mantra

I’m sorry,
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you.

Taking the time to sound these mantric words with a clarity of purpose and intention, to evoke the essence, the true meaning of each line of this mantra in order to cleanse and purify all of that which stands in the way of us coming to know ourselves more fully and moving deeper and deeper into the awareness of who we truly are. We sound the words deep within our heart, feeling the essence of this prayer with a heartfelt yearning for change.

I’m Sorry

Through the sounding of the words, “I’m sorry,” we identify, acknowledge and repent for our responsibility in any given situation. We are accepting responsibility for the choices we have made that have ultimately harmed us in some way. Sounding this intention expresses acknowledgment of wrongs and harm done to ourselves and others, either consciously or unconsciously.

Please Forgive Me

Knowing that forgiveness is the key to allowing Ho’oponopono to work effectively, we must genuinely seek forgiveness of ourselves for all of our actions and our inactions. We seek forgiveness from ourselves for all that we have held onto so tightly, the burdens, the pain, the guilt, the shame, the remorse, the anger and hatred. The blame, the condemnation of ourselves and others. Seeking forgiveness for all of the conscious and unconscious areas that have served as barriers to the love of ourselves, love of God, Goddess, All That Is, to the Love of all others. We are learning to forgive ourselves and release any negative feelings that have bound us to the past.

I Love You

As we sound these words within ourselves, we are connecting with a high vibratory state, the frequency of Divine Love, the Unconditional Love of our Divine Nature. Having an intent to be loving can allow a much greater acceptance, appreciation and flow in life. It keeps us more connected to our true self, to our Divinity, to the life force within ourselves and all that exists. It is love that keeps us connected to our surroundings and all others.

Thank You

This intention is an expression of gratitude. Saying thank you reminds us to maintain a mindset of thankfulness in every part of our life.

With the Ho’oponopono mantra we are moving deeper and deeper into our heart, becoming one with the radiance of our Higher Self, our Divinity.

Length: 20 Minutes
Facilitator: Theresa Tzinberg
Categories: Forgiveness, Healing, Ho’oponopono

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