Loving Kindness Meditation

This guided loving kindness meditation is designed to awaken and open your spiritual heart to the fullness and goodness of Divine Love as it flows into and through you – bringing with it gratefulness, compassion, forgiveness and well-being on all levels.

It is often said that our primary task is to keep our heart open to this infinite source of Divine Love. After all, it is this Divine Love that informs us, guides us and heals us. But when we become stuck in our heads – trying to control and figure out everything from our everyday thinking mind, we tend to close our hearts. We cease to be in the flow of God, and we start trying to swim, “against the tide” – worrying and fretting about everything, getting frustrated at ourselves and others. Everything begins to tighten up – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

So, it’s very important that we learn how to keep our hearts open – how to maintain a sense of spaciousness in our hearts. And meditation is how we learn to do this. With this guided meditation we practice open-heartedness – loving-kindness – not only for our own inner peace and freedom, but also for the way that it allows this Divine Love to ripple out and touch everything and everyone in our lives. And like all meditation, the more we practice it, the more powerful its effects on our environment.

May all beings be held in divine love.
May all beings know the joy of deep, inner well-being.
May all beings touch deep and abiding peace.
May the hearts and minds of all beings awaken and be free.

Once Loving Kindness resides within our heart and our thoughts, we complete the circle by putting it into action. Thus, our deeds, thoughts and feelings harmonize and agree within us.

Length: 35 Minutes
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Categories: Christian, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love & Loving-Kindness

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