Meditation on Joy

Our tranquil meditation on joy will help you discover what obscures your joy and will then help you let go of these obscurations. Listen to this guided meditation to tap into joy’s true source and then share with others.

We often look for joy and happiness to come from our outer life, but as we know, things constantly change, and we can’t always rely on that. The relationship can end, the car can break down, work challenges sap our energy, nothing stays the same. When you reflect on your stresses currently and those of the past year or longer, be aware that the memories of stressful situations do get stored in our cells when we don’t have ways to release the stress. We might not even be aware of how we store them and how they affect our wellbeing. The obstacles to joy come from letting the ego run things. The ego shows up in parts of us that are clinging to past hurts and that want to feel safe.

True joy has to be found within to have any sustaining power. Not a small task when we’ve been trained and programmed to look for it on the outside for our whole existence. As they say in Buddhism, the only thing we can rely on is change and impermanence. So, although we need to reorient ourselves to getting that joy from the inside, it’s difficult to do. And after years of living this way, we may feel that it’s hard to access at all.

Our true self, the higher self or Soul is the source of pure light, love and joy. It becomes a matter of letting go of the obscurations to that light and creating space for joy to enter. This is who we really are, not the parts of us holding leftover pain from the past, clinging to old habits and hurts and old ways of thinking. All of this needs to come up, be examined and released to create space for our true nature.

We can invite our Soul into our life more, asking for answers to the big questions of life: “Who am I”, “what am I here to do”, “how can I make the world a better place?” And listening for the guidance in the intuitive hints we get, the messages we receive and the symbols around us.

Meditation is instrumental in this process because in meditation, we are seeking to reach that light where joy resides. It can take many years to penetrate the darkness to get to that light. Noticing what comes up in one’s consciousness, thanking the parts of you that are bringing things to your attention, letting each thing go, creating space and emptying out so that the answers come. We may not get any great insights in meditation every time, but that’s OK because in the peace and stillness of meditation we are creating space for joy to download.

Length: 18 Minutes
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Happiness & Joy, Healing, Relaxation & Stress Reduction

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