Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is a starting point. We need to become open, aware and alert to where we are, what our mind is thinking, our feelings we are feeling and where our urges may want to take us. Beyond all this content however is the mind itself.

What is the nature of the mind when it is not busy thinking, feeling, and wanting something? This guided mindfulness meditation practice introduces us to mind in its natural state which is spacious, open and free from objects and distractions. It is easier to experience than you may think.

Mindfulness meditation teaches us to first “tame the mind”. Since we cannot stop thinking and registering sensory input, we need to be able to tame our habit of chasing each thought, naming each impulse and to create elaborate stories that derail our efforts to become still. Once we tame the mind, we can then turn our attention to “training the mind”.

True mindfulness is achieved when we can abide in the silence and natural, joyful buoyancy of Mind Itself. Thus, we train the mind to turn away from outer distractions and to attend to the inner qualities of natural mind. Once we experience this, even for a moment or two, we validate for ourselves what wise teachers have been saying for centuries, that happiness and freedom are found within.

Length: 14 Minutes
Facilitator: Greg Tzinberg
Categories: Beginners, Buddhist, Mindfulness

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