Watching the Mind Meditation

This guided mindfulness meditation represents a fundamental teaching within Buddhism that basically, our experience of reality arises from the nature of mind. As we endeavour to keep the mind focused on mind itself, we begin to see that the true nature of mind is not simply our thoughts, rather the nature of mind is awareness. Thoughts are like the fish in the sea. No one mistakes a fish for the ocean. Likewise, thoughts are objects that exist in the ocean of mind. Once we take our attention away from thoughts, we can begin to experience and appreciate the vastness of mind itself.

Meditations of this kind are like a doorway into the hidden recesses of our innate potential. Our thoughts often limit us by telling us what we can and cannot do, how much or how little we can “handle”, what kind of people we are and what type or kind of persons we like and respect and which ones we don’t.

I often say that the freedoms unleashed within us through the practice of meditation are simply the abilities, gifts and talents we have always had, but for one reason or another denied having. We watch our thoughts in meditation, not for entertainment or even for insight. Watching thoughts brings us to the realization that thoughts are simply a story we tell ourselves. The truth they hold are generally only the importance we give them.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation Quote by Steve Jobs


Mindfulness places our attention within the present where things are what they are without an elaborate story to accompany them. When we are mindful, our natural ability to respond to people, situations, events, and conditions can occur without filters, fears, or biases. In this way we experience another quality of mind itself, loving kindness.

Length: 11 Minutes
Facilitator: Greg Tzinberg
Categories: Buddhist, Happiness & Joy, Mindfulness

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