Openhearted Peace Meditation

In this guided meditation for inner peace, I’ll guide you through a body-scan to relax your whole body, and then lead you in opening to that place within of pure being where you can experience your True Self. That place where you can begin to sense the peace that passeth all understanding – the peace that abides in your innermost heart of hearts.

This deep, open-hearted peacefulness is always there within you; it’s the calm within the storm of whatever is going on around you. It exists as the infinite, spacious ground of everything. Everything that we experience – all events, circumstances, complexities – everything arises out of this spaciousness and then recedes back into this spaciousness. It is this basic truth of constant change and impermanence that, once we recognize it, accept it and surrender our resistance to it, leads to serenity, wisdom and to Peace.

And so even our pain, our fears and worries, our anger and troubling thoughts – all these arise within us, exist, have their moment and then cease to exist – all within this infinite field of deep love and peace. All that we experience – both pleasurable and painful experiences – rise and then fall within the spaciousness of this vast sky of mind.

So, in this meditation for inner peace, you’ll simply settle in to the ever-present love and peace within the spaciousness in your heart of hearts. And as you become increasingly absorbed in it, you’ll begin to sense this open-hearted love and peacefulness spreading into every fiber of your being and then rippling out into your entire life.

“And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds.”
Philippians 4:6

Length: 26 Minutes
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Categories: Christian, Peace

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