Resolving Conflict through Ho'oponopono

The first step towards creating global peace is through taking responsibility for healing ourselves.

With so much conflict manifesting in our outer world at this time it is more important than ever for us to resolve our inner conflict.  And the powerful mantra of Ho’oponopono can aid us greatly in this.  Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method of conflict resolution.

Times such as these can cause us to feel helpless, fearful and judgmental – taking us further away from our true intrinsic nature, the radiance and the peace of our Higher Self, our Inner Divine Being. 

We often talk about how all we want in our life is peace, and say: “Why can’t we all be at peace?”  But have we taken responsibility to resolve our own inner conflict?  Our conflict with others, with situations, with experiences in our world?  It has been said many times before, “Peace begins with us”.

In this meditation we embrace the courage to look inside ourselves to where our inner conflict is emerging from and apply the energies of the ancient Ho’oponopono technique to cleanse and purify these aspects of our being and set ourselves free from the battle that rages within.

Our prayer is that all of the good that is generated by this meditation will aid and benefit all beings..

Length: 17 Minutes
Facilitator: Theresa Tzinberg
Categories: Forgiveness, Ho’oponopono, Self Love

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