Finding a Safe Place Meditation

“Get me outta here!!” whether it be in the principal’s office, a jailhouse, a halfway house, a treatment center…these are the words in our (the addict’s) minds so many times.  And why not, that’s what our drugs gave us.  Escape!!  Sorry, I hate to tell you, but that only leads to trying yet another means of escape. There is no such thing, so give up looking!

We must learn to live in this world, for without being in the Present we will miss all the beauty in living IN our lives rather than hiding behind a bush on the Stage of the drama of Our Life. Doesn’t that sound a little…lost? YOU are the star of YOUR life, YOUR show, and YOU choose to hide behind a bush in quivering silence? That’s so sad, and exactly how many of us live our entire lives.

Being IN our lives and not ruled BY them is a complete shift in reality and will bring the Peace we were always erroneously looking for in Escape. I am asking you here to take a leap of faith with me and come about this idea of Escape from a different Perspective, that’s all. Instead of running AWAY from that which seems fearful, hurtful, painful, ad infinitum, we run INTO an understanding of that which confronts us in the present. If we can see from whence comes this before us, we are the beneficiary of the solution to the problem.

I am suggesting we look for our Refuge within Compassion. Compassion? You ask? Stay with me…

Do not hide, we cannot, we must not, but rather Take Refuge (and there is an Intentional difference between that and escaping) Inside Compassion, because therein lie all the answers to all the questions, and, thence, Understanding. When we can live, move, and have our being within this Understanding, within all these answers, we will have the ability to Shift Our Perspective such that we CAN see “through the eyes of another.” Imagine our world, our humanity, if we could each, in a moment, have “walked a mile in your brother’s shoes.” Kinda makes you think, doesn’t it? No more misunderstandings, misinterpretations, agendas, flat-out lies…no more hiding.

Join me now, if you would, in an adventure in another way of finding a safe place. (There are some significant pauses in this for contemplation) Let’s prepare for meditation…

Length: 21 Minutes
Facilitator: Jeff Ramsey
Categories: Addiction Recovery


Step 11.1 Booklet by Jeff Ramsey

Be sure to download the Step 11.1 Booklet. It was written as the next progressive step beyond Alcoholics Anonymous’ 11th Step. It is a beginning guide to a meditation process whose few simple steps will give the reader a strong base from which to explore the immense inner world.

Click to download Step 11.1 Booklet



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