Stillness with God Meditation

This guided meditation provides you with an opportunity to pause from the many activities of your daily life and to connect with your innermost Self - that infinite source of pure awareness at the core of your being where you exist in the oneness of God’s divine love and peace and stillness.

It is important to note that we cannot connect with our True Self through our everyday waking consciousness – through our “head,” so to speak. We can often feel cut-off from this aspect of ourselves. As we fill our day-to-daylife with activities, “doing” we often forget about “being”. Even when we are busy with activities and tasks, we can bring our attention back to our essential nature. Meditation helps us to achieve this ability to stay connected with our deeper spiritual nature.

To help you in developing a strong, embodied sense of your True Self and the inner Divine, this guided meditation will begin by focusing on your breath. After all, the breath is closely connected with God. In secret oral traditions, it’s held that the name of God is actually unpronounceable; if the name of God is spoken, it is experienced not as a word but as breath.

And so, if you approach it this way, then with each breath, you are saying God’s name, you are connecting with the Divine that is as close to you as your breath. What a beautiful and profound truth.

Length: 35 Minutes
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Categories: Christian, Mindfulness, Relaxation & Stress Reduction

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