Truth Meditation

It is an important part of the Recovery Process to learn to disburse illusions and see beyond the falsehoods and obstacles to the Truth. Before we can make any headway in Recovery, we have to admit that we, alcoholics and addicts, have a real problem with truth; we bend it, shape it, tie it in a knot and dip it in paint, and say, “See, look at THE truth!!” when, in fact, we don’t even recognize the Divine Spark amidst the mess we’ve created.

As a very young child, I had a relative tell me “You want a cookie? but it’s nearly dinner time. Why don’t you go ahead and have one and we just won’t tell anybody so it won’t count.” Innocent enough for a 6-year-old, right? I carried that concept quietly into adulthood where it became, “I can drink all I want…as long as no one knows, because then it doesn’t count!” I can cheat on my wife, embezzle money, almost anything…AS LONG AS NO ONE KNOWS!! The energy locked within those six-word cost me thousands of dollars in therapy and untold amounts of time with sponsors before I could see it, be with it, know that it was not correct information, and release it.

Through meditation we can clear away the mental fog that addiction creates and see the unabridged truth behind the mask of our addictions and begin to correct our warped thinking with the guidance and complete support of our Soul and The One Life which pours through…everything! This is where we finally see we find our strength; yes, the paradox of Recovery: through my weakness, I find my strength. I hope you take the time to try this guided Truth Meditation.

Length: 17 Minutes
Facilitator: Jeff Ramsey
Categories: Addiction Recovery


Step 11.1 Booklet by Jeff Ramsey

Be sure to download the Step 11.1 Booklet. It was written as the next progressive step beyond Alcoholics Anonymous’ 11th Step. It is a beginning guide to a meditation process whose few simple steps will give the reader a strong base from which to explore the immense inner world.

Click to download Step 11.1 Booklet



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