Commitment to Change, To Become New

Through our commitment to change, to become new, we utilize the Rainbow Terraces Meditation as a dynamic process for transformation. It enables our letting go of those aspects of the past that no longer serves us in order that we can experience a new birth within. In life, a part of us is always dying and being reborn.

In this guided meditation we move upward through each of the seven coloured terraced gardens. At each of the seven gardens there is a corresponding commitment. We begin with the first garden which is red and the commitment here is to change. As we move up through the coloured terraced gardens we are lifting higher in frequency, moving through all that which is required in order for us to die to the past and be born anew. We continue our journey all the way to the white garden at the top of the mountain where we experience Divine Presence.

Transforming our relationship with death

A quote from Reverend Bob Thomas:

Mark Twain once said, “Why do people rejoice at a birth and grieve at a death? To which he quipped, “Because they are not the person involved.”

But as wisdom comes to us over the years and we approach our own deaths, we find that living itself is dying. It is a whole series of deaths: dying to pride, possessions, opinions and comforts. And when these little deaths occur for the sake of others, they are the greatest expression of love there is.

Living itself is dying

Through the practice of the Rainbow Terraces meditation, we begin to identify as our Divine Presence, we realize that we are enough. We gradually release grasping and attachment, anger and aversion as well as the experience of ignorance and separation.

We may begin to recognize that what we dislike, judge and reject in another, we dislike, judge and reject in ourselves. Like a mirror, our environment reflects ourselves back to us. We learn to love ourselves enough to love another more.

Giving birth to Truth and Wisdom through meditation we increasingly become the expression of our own Divine Presence. It all begins with our commitment to change, to become new.

In preparation for doing this meditation we recommend that you consider the changes you would like to make in your life.

This meditation includes a period of silence at the Top of the Mountain.

Feedback from this Meditation Technique

Some of the participants in the Rainbow Terraces Meditation class were asked to share their experience of change. These are a few of their reflections.

  • I am making my own choices, not letting myself be dominated by other people.

  • The greatest change is in being less critical of myself, giving me greater freedom.

  • I am giving myself permission to make choices. I have been too timid to speak up.

  • I forgot how to speak up. Now I occasionally say, “No that does not work for me.”

  • I have developed resilience. It is okay to be on my own. I made a hard choice in letting go of a toxic relationship. It has made a big difference.

Facilitator: Gay Vickers
Categories: Transformative

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