Loving Yourself Through Ho’oponopono Class

Loving yourself may seem very difficult, but you deserve to feel loved, especially to feel loved by yourself. Self-love entails being warm and understanding towards ourselves when we suffer, when we fail, or when we feel inadequate. Rather than giving in to our typical pattern of feeling guilt, embarrassment, or engaging in self-criticism, try to see these challenges as opportunities to change the old messages of negative self-concepts. We can be our own greatest source of love, support, and inspiration if we can recognize that the way we think, feel and act are choices that we make on our own behalf.

One of the greatest obstacles that so many of us face in this life is the capacity to love ourselves fully and completely. We all have certain degrees of self-love, enough self-love to cause us to participate in classes such as this, to establish a meditation practice perhaps, to be able to care for ourselves enough that we maintain a lifestyle that is relatively happy, balanced and satisfying to some degree. Yet there are areas of our life where we are not content, it could be related to our relationship with ourselves or with others, our emotional state of being, our level of stress and anxiety perhaps. We are often so quick to condemn ourselves, to judge and criticise, ourselves, but how do we express love towards ourselves?

In this class, we take time to consider what self-love really is, where it originates, and what causes us to turn our back upon this most divine energy that is focused deep within the core of our being.

We have separated ourselves from the Love of our Divine Self to some degree or another through the constant programming born out of our memories of past experiences. For those who truly have negative thoughts towards themselves, feeling guilt, shame, hatred and/or anger, this separation is a huge chasm. In order to heal this separation, we need to cross this chasm of self-hatred and step into the arms of unconditional love, and this is the opportunity that Ho’oponopono is offering us. The Ho’oponopono prayer allows us to clean away all of those traces of memories that are holding us prisoner and getting in the way of us loving ourselves completely, getting in the way of recognizing the true nature of our being.

Through the sounding of the Ho’oponopono mantra we are setting ourselves free from that web of criticism, judgment, and self-hatred in order that we can stand as a radiant being. We say, “I’m sorry, please forgive me” and then and only then can we truly get in touch with that love that will set us free. And thereby, “I’m sorry, please forgive me” becomes the bridge across that chasm of self-hatred. All it takes is surrender. Surrender to loving yourself completely, and we empower this through the sounding of the next two lines of the mantra: “I love you, thank you.”

At the end of the class, you are invited to do the accompanying Loving Yourself Guided Meditation in order to touch that depth of light and love of your divinity in such a way that it may spark your heart, and you may say “yes, this is what I am truly seeking.” Moving another step closer to Loving Yourself.

Length: The duration of this class is 25 minutes, followed by a 20 minute meditation.


Recommended Meditations

Loving Yourself Meditation - this is the meditation contained in the class. After listening to the class, you may want to try doing this as a daily meditation.

Self -Love Meditation - this meditation focuses upon cleaning those negative beliefs that stand in the way of us experiencing spiritual love – that which we call “self-love”

Self-Love Meditation for Healing the Body - A gentle yet powerful Ho’oponopono meditation for healing the body of discomfort, illness, pain, and other feelings that may be arising.

Self-Love Meditations - a collection of guided self-love meditations to help cultivate self-love.

Theresa Tzinberg

Theresa Tzinberg has over 10 years of experience running a retreat centre for health and wellbeing, teaching meditation, running workshops and classes and offering spiritual guidance. Theresa has recorded a number of Ho’oponopono classes. that show how to use this powerful healing technique in daily life.


Living Life with No Regrets