Meditation for Creating a Vision of Home

A guided meditation for creating an inspired vision of home that sparks true joy in your heart.

The very first step on your decluttering journey, before throwing out one thing, is to get very clear on what you are wanting to your home to be - your vision - and to identify why you want this, in other words your purpose for decluttering.

Like any worthy journey preparation is your key for success. A clear vision acts like a North Star, drawing you forward and focusing you on the direction of your goal. Being clear connects you to your motivation and your willingness to see the journey through to the end. * Both of these, vision and purpose, are necessary touchstones to keep your inspiration and motivation vibrant and alive throughout the whole decluttering with mindfulness process until you have decluttered all of your things and are living your joyful life!


In the ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, leadership author Stephen R Covey writes that, “All things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation and a physical or second creation to all things”. This is why, before doing any physical action such as getting rid of any items, it is necessary first to conceive what your decluttered life will look and feel like. Then build a sense of optimism and confidence that you can do this!

As your vision takes hold in your mind and heart you will likely start to feel a sense of excitement building. This is like the fire to fuel your journey. At this point you may still need to pause and prepare before getting started. There may be doubts that arise - sort of like a cautious friend checking your plans are sound. Having a grasp on the Decluttering with Mindfulness principles and process is helpful. As well as attending our live class Decluttering with Mindfulness and hearing how others are overcoming common challenges can also be beneficial to working out strategies to likely issues and questions.

When creating a vision of home here are some helpful guidelines to keep in mind.

  • Focus the qualities you are wanting to create, how your joyful home will feel, for example peaceful, spacious, vibrant, calm, or relaxing.

  • While you may get a visual image the important thing to focus on is, “What feeling qualities does this evoke?” For example, an image of light streaming through an open window and the alive green and fresh smell of a tree. A feeling of breathing deeply and peaceful contentment.

  • Keep it focused on what you are wanting to create rather than what you are not wanting. Do this with a meditative approach. Turn your direction inward and be open and receptive to your inner source of inspiration and love. You can follow a guided meditation such as “Creating a Vision of Home” or the “Sacred Home in the Heart” meditation or you can use your own form of meditation.

  • Capture your intuitive impressions afterward in a journal. A further step is concretizing your vision by making or finding an object that represents or encapsulates the essence of your vision. It might be a collage of images from Pinterest, a drawing or painting or perhaps collecting a nature object for this purpose. What’s important is that when you catch sight of the object, it evokes the feeling of your vision and you know in your heart- “Yes! I’m on my way with my Decluttering journey”.

Length: 15 Minutes
Facilitator: Justine Hall
Categories: Beginners, Happiness & Joy, Healing, Self Care

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