Transmuting Negative Habits through Rainbow Terraces Meditation

The Rainbow Terraces is a dynamic meditation which enables transmutation and change. From the base of the mountain to the Clear Light of the Mountain Top, it is a condensed version of a life in a nutshell. Each commitment at each garden terrace is designed to help the meditator bring about a dynamic change.

In a recent group meeting the power of this meditation to transmute negative patterns and habits into to their positive counterparts was demonstrated. First, the group became mindful of negative patterns and habits within themselves and then identified the positive polarity of this habit as an effective antidote. There is a recognition that the negative patterns we have created are causing problems in our relationships and our day-to-day lives.

We then each focused upon a particular negative habit to be transmuted through the meditation. The purpose of this transmutation process was to change any negative impact we were creating in our relationships and daily life into a positive impact with the aim of becoming a force for good in our lives and the world.

Here is a sample of the pairs of opposites the group developed during the meditation.

Negative Habit >> Positive Habit
Procrastination >> Action
Fear >> Courage
Selfishness >> Selflessness
Judgement >> Acceptance
Hate >> Love
Victim >> Resillience
Fear >> Trust/Faith
Sad >> Happy
Tense >> Relaxed
Anger >> Calm
Cruelty >> Kindness
Intolerance >> Tolerance
Anxiety >> Peace
Chaos >>. Order (Divine)
Greed >> Generosity
Need/lack >> Abundance
Mistrust >> Trust
Captivity/Controlled >> Freedom/Liberation

As a suggestion, before you use the meditation, become aware of the negative habit which you would like to transform to a positive one. Then use the meditation recording to meditate and to bring about the change.

Please note that the meditation includes a silent space when you reach the top of the mountain – which is an opportunity to be still and spacious within Self.

Facilitator: Gay Vickers
Categories: Transformative

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