Working with the Challenges of Our Times

There is no need to tell you or anyone that we are living in extraordinary and challenging times. Global problems are beyond our ability to control or change so where is our place of strength? How can we achieve "peace of mind"? Please listen to this brief talk about how to maintain your ‘peace’ during these turbulent times.

There is an old saying in the Western spiritual tradition, “Stand steady in the Light.” This simple advice is often more challenging than it may at first appear. We have so many opinions, contrary and conflicting thoughts not to mention the many comments we hear from family, friends, and the news. With all this verbal content swirling around it can be a real challenge to stay centred on thoughts of peace, healing and developing constructive solutions to national, international, and global problems.

One way to hold the “High Ground” is to remember to stay constructive, positive and non-judgemental in your thoughts, words and actions. We can add to the general goodwill by affirming our humanity and the humanity of everyone affected in a given situation by sending compassionate thoughts, healing prayers and offering support when and as we can. These acts of loving kindness are more potent than we may be aware of just as negative thoughts, words and actions are more destructive than we may realize.

“Remember, it is not important or necessary for you to be in a position of influence to do good in the world. After all, big changes are brought about by doing many little things. Suddenly, you realize that great things are occurring and your many small efforts have yielded a great harvest.” - Lucille Cedercrans

The most important thing to remember during these times is to be a constant force for positive good and right-action.

Length: 12 Minutes
Facilitator: Greg Tzinberg



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